Health and Safety

Arnaud Grison

We refuse to consider that workplace accidents and occupational illnesses are unavoidable. We strongly believe that every accident can be prevented and that we all have a role to play. We are united by our commitment to ensuring health and safety for everyone at VINCI Energies: this is one of our core corporate values.

Arnaud Grison Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of VINCI Energies

A culture of risk perception

The Safety Excellence programme aims to develop a culture of risk perception among all VINCI Energies employees. This culture is founded on work procedures and instructions, individual behaviour and the proper management of contingencies and unexpected incidents on site by daring to stop, step back and think whenever necessary. “Look, warn, share” means being aware of risks, avoiding injury and engaging in dialogue. These collective efforts to ensure individuals take care of themselves and those around them on each site contribute to an atmosphere of respect and reliability and are true examples of our values.

Awareness and training

Several initiatives are contributing to the development of a risk perception culture. When teams arrive on site, there is a systematic safety induction to make everyone aware of the risks they may encounter. Safety briefings are held before each construction phase or new operation begins, and management conducts safety visits in order to discuss risk perception and ensure that procedures and instructions are adequate and understood. A number of training modules specifically dedicated to occupational health and safety, covering all of our business lines and areas of expertise, are offered to our employees via the VINCI Energies Academy and our brand-led institutes. Information and discussions about accidents, dangerous situations and lessons learned are regularly shared in the business units.

Safety Excellence document

More information

Safety Week

Every year, VINCI Energies holds an International Safety Week involving all business units. The event focuses on collective involvement and team cohesiveness, bringing employees together to participate in workshops that encourage communication and dialogue. It is also an opportunity to highlight best practices and share feedback.